KiYah Athletics Foundation

KiYah Athletics Foundation for Single Mothers


At KiYah Athletics Foundation, our mission is deeply rooted in the compassionate understanding of the challenges single mothers face daily. Born from a blend of personal experience and a profound commitment to community support, our foundation seeks to be a beacon of hope and a pillar of support for single mothers struggling to meet basic needs for themselves and their families.


Our founder, inspired by the firsthand experiences of growing up with a single mother and witnessing the resilience yet profound challenges of single mothers in his community, established the KiYah Athletics Foundation. Recognizing the gap left by absent support systems, our foundation aims to offer a helping hand where it is needed most. Our goal transcends beyond mere assistance; we strive to empower, uplift, and inspire single mothers across the globe, enabling them to achieve self-sufficiency and a brighter future for themselves and their children.


Since our inception, the KiYah Athletics Foundation has been committed to providing monthly support to single mothers, aiding in essentials such as gas, groceries, laundry services, transportation, and rent. Our unique funding model, driven by out-of-pocket contributions and profits from our active wear clothing line, has allowed us to touch the lives of many within our local communities.


As we look to the future, our vision expands to reach national and eventually global communities, extending our hand of support to single mothers worldwide. While our primary focus remains on empowering single mothers, our heart and services are open to all in need within our communities, including the men who find themselves struggling.


Our main goal is to bridge the gap and break the chains of struggle for single mothers, providing them with the resources, support, and empowerment they need to thrive. The KiYah Athletics Foundation emerged not only as a response to the absence of traditional support systems but as a testament to the power of transformation and the impact of giving back. Our founder's journey from witnessing the struggles of single mothers to taking actionable steps to support them embodies our core belief: with the right support, every single mother has the potential to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.


In standing with the KiYah Athletics Foundation for Single Mothers, you join us in a movement to make a difference, to fill in the gaps left by others, and to create a world where every single mother has the support and resources she needs to succeed.